How Can I Make Visualization Work?
August 7, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Law of Attraction
A problem many people face when starting to learn how to visualize is that they keep changing their goal before it is achieved.
This is bad because success attracts success, while failure attracts failure. When you have a successful experience, it is easier for your mind to bring more of such experience to you. But if you keep having unsuccessful experiences when you visualize, you will naturally begin to believe you cannot make visualization work for you.
Constantly changing what you visualize, or changing your goals, causes your confidence in visualization and yourself to sink because you are NOT achieving. And the more you fail to achieve your goals, the worse you will feel about your potential for success. Eventually visualization will be seen as an unrewarding waste of time — instead of the powerful success-creating method it can be.
Is Time Travel Really Possible?
August 6, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under BEST POSTS, Mind Stretch

Albert Einstein
What are you doing when you aren’t doing anything at all?
If you said “nothing,” then you have just passed a test in logic… BUT failed a test in neuroscience.
When people perform mental tasks–adding numbers, comparing shapes, identifying faces–different areas of their brains become active, and brain scans show these active areas as brightly colored squares on an otherwise dull gray background.
But researchers have recently discovered that when these areas of our brains light up, other areas go dark.
This dark network (which comprises regions in the frontal, parietal and medial temporal lobes) is off when we seem to be on, and on when we seem to be off.
If you climbed into an MRI machine and lay there quietly, waiting for instructions from a technician, the dark network would be as active as a beehive. But the moment your instructions arrived and your task began, the bees would freeze and the network would fall silent. When we appear to be doing nothing, we are clearly doing something. But what?
The answer, it seems, is time travel.
The human body moves forward in time at the rate of one second per second whether we like it or not. But the human mind can move through time in any direction and at any speed it chooses.
Our ability to close our eyes and imagine the pleasures of Super Bowl Sunday or remember the excesses of New Year’s Eve is a fairly recent evolutionary development, and our talent for doing this is unparalleled in the animal kingdom.
We are a race of time travelers, unfettered by chronology and capable of visiting the future or revisiting the past whenever we wish.
But… If our mental time machines are damaged by illness, age or accident, we may become trapped in the present. Alzheimer’s disease, for instance, specifically attacks the dark network, stranding many of its victims in an endless now, unable to remember their yesterdays or envision their tomorrows.
Time travel allows us to pay for an experience once and then have it again and again at no additional charge, learning new lessons with each repetition. When we are busy having experiences–herding children, signing checks, battling traffic–the dark network is silent.
But as soon as those experiences are over, the network is awakened, and we begin moving across the landscape of our history to see what we can learn.
Traveling forward allows us simulate future courses of action and preview their consequences, learning from mistakes without making them. The dark network allows us to visit the future, but not just any future. When we contemplate futures that don’t include us– the dark network is quiet. Only when we move ourselves through time does it come alive.
Perhaps the most startling fact about the dark network isn’t what it does but how often it does it. Neuroscientists refer to it as the brain’s default mode, which is to say that we spend more of our time away from the present than in it.
People typically overestimate how often they are in the moment because they rarely take notice when they take leave. It is only when the environment demands our attention that our mental time machines switch themselves off and deposit us with a bump in the here and now.
THE LAW OF ATTRACTION MATRIX: Are You Ready to Take the Red Pill and Create the Life You Dream of?
By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler
The Law of Attraction (LOA) has become increasingly popular since the book entitled “The Secret” was published. Does it really work? Unfortunately more people report LOA failures than successes. There’s a very real science-based reason behind these successes and failures. Read More!
posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Success
How Can I Get Clear Mental Focus?
August 4, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Build Mind Power
Why is mental focus so important?
Because your intelligence, creativity and other mental powers are really only as sharp as your mental focus.
Have you ever sat by the side of a stream doing nothing but allowing the sights, sounds and smells of nature flow over you? You had no phones ringing, and no pressure to be anywhere else … just the warm sun on your body, the birds singing, and the relaxing sound of the stream babbling along. Remember how calm and focused you felt?
Your State of Mind
Ever wondered why some folks are calm and have clear mental focus even when surrounded by pure chaos? The one single cause is what’s happening in their brain.
At this very moment your brain is generating tiny electrical impulses that can be viewed on a monitor as brainwave patterns. The frequency of your brainwaves actually determines your state of mind, your mental focus, and how you react to your environment.
The Four Types of Brainwaves
Brainwave frequencies fall into four major categories. Every state of consciousness you experience corresponds to one of these four brainwave patterns. And although Beta is the most common brainwave pattern, you normally also produce the other three brainwave patterns simultaneously.
BETA brainwaves are your fastest brainwaves, and occur when you are use your mind to think or analyze. Higher levels of Beta often make you feel anxious, stressed, or unfocused.
ALPHA brainwaves are produced when you are relaxed. These brainwaves are used for super-learning, increased concentration, clear mental focus, and de-stressed relaxation. The lower end of Alpha serves as the link between our conscious and subconscious minds.
THETA brainwaves are present in dreaming sleep and REM rapid eye movement state. They are also present in deep meditation, spontaneous creativity ah-ha moments, and long-term memory. Theta is your deepest center of creative inspiration
DELTA brainwaves occur in deep dreamless sleep, trance-like states, or during any loss of bodily awareness. Delta is the source of ESP experiences, intuition and higher awareness. Many feel it is the gateway to the subconscious, and the collective unconscious or universal mind.
Mastering your Brainwaves
You already have some ability to control your brainwaves, although you may not be consciously aware that you’re doing so. But most of the time our brainwaves control us, so we react to what’s happening around us, instead of responding in more beneficial ways.
Wouldn’t you agree that a better strategy is to be able to change your state of mind to match the situation — instead of blindly reacting based on uncontrolled brainwaves?
A Clear Mental Focus Experiment
Try this one-minute experiment: Remember the sitting beside a stream scene at the start of this article? Go back and re-read that short paragraph then just close your eyes for a moment and visualize that scene as vividly and clearly as possible.
Know what you just did? You naturally slowed your brainwaves down from Beta to Alpha. It’s that simple. The problem is this: We are usually so caught up in our lives, we seldom take the time to do what you just did.
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