How to Survive and Rebuild
February 23, 2010 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under New Ideas, Upbeat Ideas
The Survive & Rebuild Challenge.
Many people today are demonstrating amazing courage in the face of very basic survive and rebuild challenges. Why do some survive, and others just give up? It seems to be something special in their mental outlook.
What is a “mental outlook?” It’s the mental window we look out through to view what’s happening in our life.
Dealing With Challenges to Survive and Rebuild
Most of us are facing one challenge or another today. These are NOT easy times. And the stress of hard times can have a powerful effect on our mental outlook: If you feel worried about something, your brain is then wired to give any related event a worried evaluation.
And although our feelings are fleeting, our moods are not. Moods are based on a brain-level accumulation of feelings that have been stored on actual physical neural networks.
So if you are in a worried about your ability to survive and rebuild, you will tend to have anxious feelings. Anxious feelings, in turn, color your evaluations of your options. This is actually brain-based and a negative evaluation of a new event will just further strengthen the anxious feeling. This new negative feeling, in turn, helps maintain your worried mood.
This creates a non-productive vicious cycle that will build strength unless broken. Generally such cycles are best broken by changing your feelings, which will in turn change your mood.
Changing a Non-Productive Mood
How to break up such a cycle? One good way to start is to really FOCUS on finding a solution to just ONE of the problems you face. Do not even try to tackle all of it at once — this can just lead to overwhelm, and even more anxiety.
Once you identify one problem you want to solve, allow yourself to sort through your options and actually pick one possible solution.
Avoid fence sitting. If you feel a afraid of making a mistake, look at it this way: The sooner you focus and take action, the sooner you will learn from any mistake, and can then take a new corrective action.
Life has its challenges — that IS a given. But obviously you have already survived some challenges to get where you are today — and can likewise rise above your current challenges.
The truth is this: You have the ability to re-create any thought patterns that might be holding you back.
Seize the moment to survive, rebuild, focus, and just go for it.
The author’s popular LIFE MASTERY PROGRAM is an experience unlike any other. Increase your ability to steer your life (or business) in any desired direction. Get focused and in action => Show Me!
Posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Solutions
How Did A Hippy Become a Millionaire?
November 2, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under New Ideas, Upbeat Ideas

Can a hippy become a mega millionaire?
There’s something very powerful we each create with our thoughts — our personal belief system. And our belief system then determines our ability to become successful in any life venture. Are some people just born powerful, focused and on-track to become successful millionaires? Not necessarily so!
Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Computer, for example, had a very low personal belief system early on. He was adopted out at an early age, dropped out of college after only 6 months, and then slept on friends floors and turned in coke bottles to earn food money.
Job’s first business venture was a terrible failure, but then he successfully founded Apple Computers working out of a friend’s garage.
How? Steve Jobs told a Stanford graduating class that he suddenly had a vision, and could see Apples on every desk. This vision was so compelling and real that he began to change his life — he began to BECOME the successful person that owned such a business.
Almost overnight, Steve found himself doing things he had never dreamed of doing. Failure fell away from him because he had grabbed hold of a vision that literally transformed him and eventually made him a millionaire — one step at a time!.
You already know how this successful story ends. Steve Jobs BECAME successful by BECOMING the person his goal belonged to. Do YOU want want to BECOME the person your goal belongs to? — Is worth to find out how you can do this???
posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Success
How Can I Get My Life Back on Track?
July 21, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under New Ideas
I think we’ve all had moments when we feel our life is off track!
Maybe its our job, our business, our relationship, or just in our life in general. Sometimes this happens because we’ve been sitting on the fence too long. Sometimes because we feel we took a wrong turn, got off track, and cannot seem to recover and get happy.
Either way, when you feel your life is off track, only YOU have the power to declare decide when it’s time to get it back together. The following tips may help you get back on track and get happy.
1. Be honest with yourself
Admit, as quickly as possible, that you took a step that led you down the wrong path. Nothing will change until you personally acknowledge that you made a decision that is not working out well. The sooner, the better. Be willing to take 100% responsibility for the choices you make for your life.
2. Define an exit strategy
Once you’ve admitted to yourself you’re on the wrong path, decide how you’re going to get back on track. In some situations it may be necessary for you to stop what you are doing immediately. Often grabbing a fast exit could lead to even more stress and poor decision making. Take the time you need to get very clear on what it is you do want, and get your life back on track one step at a time. You cannot get happy by rushing through this superficially.
3. Be gentle with yourself
Beating yourself up will only damage your self-esteem. Realize that we all take wrong turns. This is often especially true of the most successful individuals, who have no fear of trying something new.
4. Look for the lesson
There is always a lesson to be learned, and something that will help you get happy in the future.What did taking a wrong turn teach you about yourself? Do you need to listen to your gut more and others less? Do you need to listen to your heart and follow its calling? Do you need to value yourself more? Do you need to redefine what success means to you to get your life back on track?
5. Get back on the horse
Like many teenagers, I went through a period of being totally horse crazy. And since I loved to ride bareback, I often found myself flying through the air. The wisdom of the old cowpoke whose horses I rode was excellent life guidance: Just get back on the horse.
6. Make a Commitment
The most important thing you can do is to make a commitment to yourself to embrace postitive change. Is change easy? Not always! But is IS achievable one step at a time. What makes the difference is making a commitment and following through. And by far the consistently PROVEN WAY TO MAKE A POSITIVE CHANGE is to consistently recommit every day. You will end up amazed at how one tiny change a day can literally transform your life. Here is a way to do it for yourself!
posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Success
By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler
You really ARE in total control of who and what you wish to be. But there’s still more YOU+ to be unleashed. The “Quantum Leap Guide” takes you into a quantum leap into an exciting new version of your self. A fast-moving book with a reputation for changing lives!
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