How Can You Improve Your Memory?

August 16, 2009 by  
Filed under BEST POSTS, Build Mind Power

have a  healthy brainMemory is important.

We use it every moment, consciously or not, as we perceive the world and interpret it based on our memories and experiences. Your memory should be a finely-tuned, working piece of equipment that you can depend on.

So where can you start if you want to improve your memory?


Clear Your Mind
Some memory inefficiency is primariy caused by the clutter in our heads, the ceaseless stimulation of our senses and the barrage of information we so often complain about — unclutter.  Put your to-do lists onto paper, into a Word document, your task manager, or whatever works best for you. The important thing is to remove all those to-do tasks from your brain and free up attention for things that don’t need to be at the forefront of your mind.

One of the best things you can do to improve your memory is get exercise.  The reason exercise works so well is that it pumps oxygen to your brain. Three hours a week walking, running, swimming or doing some form of aerobic exercise will give good results.

If you don’t eat well, you cannot improve your memory andyour overall mental performance won’t work well. What you’re aiming for is maximum nutrients so your neurons can fire and regenerate. Fruits, vegetables, and brain foods (anything containing omega 3 fatty acids like sardines and salmon) are important to mental performance. And B vitamins are also very important to healthy brain function — they give your memory a boost and reduce stress.

Take Time Out

The one thing you MUST do is refine your ability to take brief periods of distressing. Even a 10-minute stress break can make a huge difference in your mental performance AND your physical health.

Remember, stress is NOT just in your mind – it affects literally every cell in your body. And you need to know that uninterrupted stress actually KILLS BRAIN CELLS IN YOUR HIPPOCAMPUS, where memory resides. Take 10 should mean just that – take 10 minutes off the mental stress treadmill and reduce your stress!

posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Success

How Can I Get Clear Mental Focus?

August 4, 2009 by  
Filed under Build Mind Power

Get more mental focusWhy is mental focus so important?

Because your intelligence, creativity and other mental powers are really only as sharp as your mental focus.

Have you ever sat by the side of a stream doing nothing but allowing the sights, sounds and smells of nature flow over you? You had no phones ringing, and no pressure to be anywhere else … just the warm sun on your body, the birds singing, and the relaxing sound of the stream babbling along. Remember how calm and focused you felt?

Your State of Mind
Ever wondered why some folks are calm and have clear mental focus even when surrounded by pure chaos?  The one single cause is what’s happening in their brain.

At this very moment your brain is generating tiny electrical impulses that can be viewed on a monitor as brainwave patterns. The frequency of your brainwaves actually determines your state of mind, your mental focus, and how you react to your environment.

The Four Types of Brainwaves

Brainwave  frequencies fall into four major categories. Every state of consciousness you experience corresponds to one of these four brainwave patterns. And although Beta is the most common brainwave pattern, you normally also produce the other three brainwave patterns simultaneously.

BETA brainwaves are your fastest brainwaves, and occur when you are use your mind to think or analyze. Higher levels of Beta often make you feel anxious, stressed, or unfocused.

ALPHA brainwaves are produced when you are relaxed. These brainwaves are used for super-learning, increased concentration,  clear mental focus, and de-stressed relaxation. The lower end of Alpha serves as the link between our conscious and subconscious minds.

THETA brainwaves are present in dreaming sleep and REM rapid eye movement state. They are also present in deep meditation, spontaneous creativity ah-ha moments, and long-term memory. Theta is your deepest center of creative inspiration

DELTA brainwaves occur in deep dreamless sleep, trance-like states, or during any loss of bodily awareness. Delta is the source of ESP experiences, intuition and higher awareness. Many feel it is the gateway to the subconscious, and the collective unconscious or universal mind.

Mastering your Brainwaves
You already have some ability to control your brainwaves, although you may not be consciously aware that you’re doing so. But most of the time our brainwaves control us, so we react to what’s happening around us, instead of responding in more beneficial ways.

Wouldn’t you agree that a better strategy is to be able to change your state of mind to match the situation — instead of blindly reacting based on uncontrolled brainwaves?

A Clear Mental Focus Experiment
Try this one-minute experiment: Remember the sitting beside a stream scene at the start of this article? Go back and re-read that short paragraph then just close your eyes for a moment and visualize that scene as vividly and clearly as possible.

Know what you just did? You naturally slowed your brainwaves down from Beta to Alpha. It’s that simple. The problem is this: We are usually so caught up in our lives, we seldom take the time to do what you just did.

10 Minute Solution
.Designed for achievement-oriented people. Do YOU want to experience the levels of mental focus experienced by world-class competitive athletes, top achievers like Bill Gates and Tony Robbins, and many Fortune 500 top executives? Are you willing to commit 10-minutes a day to DEVELOP CRYSTAL-CLEAR MENTAL FOCUS? =>MORE INFO!

Can You BECOME a Genius?

August 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Build Mind Power

gsemultcolorEver wondered about the source of the special charisma that comes with genius?

What makes them stand out from the crowd? Is it the size of their brain, the way they were brought up? Or is intelligence simply passed down from one generation to the next?

Before we take a look at exactly what genius is, let’s clear the air once and for all… and find out some of the things genius definitely is NOT. Forget I.Q. tests, levels of education or how large your forehead happens to be.  Genius apparently has very little to do with any of these things.

And even if your brain is the largest in the world, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll use it in a more intelligent way. (Einstein actually had a rather small brain, for example.)

If you’re a well read person you might have a lot of knowledge on a variety of topics. You may even have a degree or diploma in your favorite subject. Each of these is a positive sign of the potential for intelligent thinking, showing that you have drive, determination, and the ability to reach certain goals.

But it doesn’t make you able to act or think  like a genius.

The One Specific Key to Genius
All the research points to one specific trait that geniuses have in common: the ability to be unusually creative. It’s not so much that they think more often then we do, it’s the WAY they think that makes them unusual.

So naturally, if you could learn to think like a genius, you should be able to gain access to your own expansive creative powers just as easily.

A Way to Rapidly Think Like a Genius
Would you like to be able to think like a genius? Over the years an amazing man, Dr. Michael Masterman, has discovered that anyone with an average intelligence can learn to think like a genius.  Dr Masterman is NOT an *ordinary* person. He has trained entire Government agencies to speak foreign languages fluently in under a week. (Yes, ONE week!)  He has also shown universities and university students how to cram five years of study into only six months with little or no stress.

Mssterson has developed a  program that he says will enable YOU to rapidly look to the world like a well educated genius. He says you’ll be able to solve problems quicker than ever before, your vocabulary will feel like it’s doubled, your creativity will find exciting new avenues of expression, your math power will rocket, and you will even inrease your charisma! Judge for yourself=>Instantly think Like a Genius.

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