How to Guarantee Your Own Success

April 12, 2009 by  
Filed under Feeling Positive

ligthbubHere’s a real story about the difference confidence can make in your life. A very shy young man by the name of Kent Sayre graduated with a master’s degree in computer science and went to work for a major high tech company.  

But he had a passion for achieving more in his life.  After discovering some breakthrough methods for transforming himself, Kent overcame his shyness, became a successful real estate investor,  and went on to write a groundbreaking bestselling book about how to guarantee your own success.

Here’s what this remarkable self-made man has to say about self confidence and success:

There is a single component that separates people who are successful from people who are not.  That component is confidence.  People who have confidence make their dreams come true.  

The key to living your dreams is having confidence.  With unstoppable confidence you WILL live your dreams, because you will take action and persist until you get there. Your dream is very possible when you have that ultimate belief in yourself and what you are doing.  

A study done in the 1950s by Harvard University showed that only 3% of a particular graduating class  had written goals.  Thirty years later that same study  followrf up to see how the 3% of people fared. The researchers found that: The 3% Of People With Written Goals And Confidence To Act Upon Them Had Financial Fortunes Worth More Than The Entire 97% Of The Rest Of The Class!

This is really an astounding number. It demonstrates not only the power of having a written goal, but also having the confidence to pursue that goal. Confidence is absolutely essential — as long as you have the confidence to take action and really go for it, you virtually guarantee your own success.

Imagine yourself leading your ideal lifestyle.  This is very possible when you have the confidence to set aside all limits and any obstacles you may encounter, and simply go after your dream.  Do you want to guatrantee your own success…

Kent Sayre is the author of “Unstoppable Confidence.”  This remarkable book has sold over 31,000 copies. Kent guarantees it will double your confidence, or you PAY NOTHING.  Kent is also the creator of Hypnosis MP3’s which you can download immediately to change your life.

Build Your Dog or Cat’s Mind Power

April 9, 2009 by  
Filed under Success Insights

catpaintingIt may be hard to believe, but you can a change the actual physical aspects of your dog or cat’s brain — making them more intelligent, and giving their personality added resistance to stress.

These startling claims date back to the 1940’s when Canadian psychologist Donald O. Hebb took home a few lab rats and gave them to his children to keep as pets. The children played with these animals and let them run around and explore much of Hebb’s family home. The environments rats were free to explore were very rich and varied. When the animals were later tested for their learning ability, they proved to be much smarter than littermates raised in cages. 

Shortly later Hebb’s research associates repeated his experiments using dogs. They found that dogs raised in the more complex home environment not only learned faster, but seemed to be less fearful and considerably less stressed in lab testing situations.

Over the years researchers have proven that these behavioral changes are the result of actual changes in the physiology of the animal’s brains. The brains of animals that have lived in changing and complex environments actually become larger and more complex, just like the brains of humans.

The important aspects of the animal’s experience which cause these positive changes in their brains involves exposure to a wide variety of interesting places and things that novel, and exciting experiences. Recent research by psychologist Norton W. Milgram and his associates at the University of Toronto have shown that the benefits of such experiences are not restricted to growing puppies. Adults and even elderly animals, also benefit from having richer environments and even seem more resistant to the usual decline in mental efficiency seen in older dogs.

For those of us who want to give our pet dog  or cat the advantage of a more efficient brain, the trick is simply to keep their mind active, exposing them to new experiences, giving them new things to learn and puzzles to work out.

Some different experiences can come out of just taking the dog to new places and on different routes on daily walks, or including your dog or cat on day trips, or when out doing various chores.

Remember, you are not only building your relationship with your beloved pet, but actually building it a better brain.

Posted by a committed dog (and cat) lover

Is the Law of Attraction Failing You?

April 9, 2009 by  
Filed under Law of Attraction

insightAre you having trouble getting the Law of Attraction to work in your life? Here’s a clue to what could be happening: Using the Law of Attraction to achieve certain goals often requires FAR LESS WORK than achieving other goals.

Why is that so?

Because it is much, much harder to believe in and create something you do not passionately desire. But when you  focus on something that is naturally interesting to you — your work then becomes play.

Are Your Law of Attraction Goals a Good Fit?
Take a few minutes to ask yourself an important question — am I pursuing the right goal for ME?

Here’s why that is so important: You’ll never really achieve your true potential as long as you pour your energy into something that doesn’t really fit your true passions and interests.

Does that seem too simple?

Think about it for a moment. It’s really very easy to automatically adopt someone else’s goal. We were trained to do this as children. Most of us were taught to value the goals our parents and educational system set for us.

Some of us gave in and tried to do so. Some of us rebelled and learned to fail instead. And some of us felt somehow inadequate because we did not have the natural interest and/or aptitude to do what we were expected to do.

If you never seem to get the Law of Attraction working for you,  you might be setting goals you don’t really desire or believe in for yourself.

This will never going to lead to Law of Attraction success. What it will lead to is one false start after another — and a tendency to want to quit after the first bump in the road. This is a major dead-end, and will do nothing but gradually erode your self confidence.

Make the Law of Attraction Work
Be sure your goal really is YOUR goal for YOUR life. If you feel resistance, take a serious look at that. Ask yourself WHO you might really be setting that goal for?

Then ask yourself if you really have a burning passion for that goal, and are willing to work through any so-called failures to achieve it. If your answer is no — this may be a good time to revisit your goal. Two things will happen if you focus on a Law of Attraction goal that fits your natural talents and passions:

  1. First, you will be happier, less stressed, and far more productive.
  2. Second, you will be far more likely to hang in as you hit those jarring bumps in the road.

Action Point
If you HAVE set the right goal and the Law of Attraction is STILL not working in your life, come discover a way to get what you want — faster.

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