Rise Above Your Challenges

May 21, 2009 by  
Filed under Life Mastery

manoverlookingatoceanNeale Donald Walsh says, Every decision you make – every decision  is not a decision about what to do. It’s a decision about Who You Are. When you understand this, everything changes. You begin to see life in a new way. All events, occurrences, and situations turn into opportunities to do what you came here to do.

We have all had the experience at one time or another of feeling stuck in our life. Of feeling unclear of what decision we should make. This can be painful, frustrating, and very unsettling.

The problem you face in such a situation is this: How can you move forward when you feel unclear about the next step you need to take? Admittedly, such a lack of clarity can cause some pretty extreme stress.

Plus stress adds fuel to the fire, because it is the exact opposite of the physical condition you need to experience a sense of happiness and contentment. You simply cannot move forward in your life unless you first bust through your stress.

So you find yourself sitting on a seasaw stressed, feeling stuck, and generally unhappy  but knowing you need to DO something.

What is the answer? Being happy requires that you get clear, since clarity of purpose controls your supply of life energy. Knowing what you want generates the energy to pursue it. While not knowing drains your energy and makes you feel stressed and unhappy. You already know this on a deep intuitive level.

So what can you do if you are stressed and lack clarity? 

What are your options?

If you are afraid of making the wrong choice, you can wait and hope for clarity. Or you can try to think your options through in your own mind.

One way to overcome painful indecision is to simply make a choice from among your possible solutions. Whether or not you feel certain your choice is the right choice – just take a small step in what seems to be the best direction, in spite of your doubt or confusion. Just making a decision will help lift the stress and move you closer to a feeling of happoiness.

There is great power in action. Movement in any direction will break your mind free from the cement of indecision – and provide new information and experiences. Action sends ripples of energy and change out into the world. And since life is so totally unpredictable, who knows how your situation will change once you get some action energy into motion.

Take the current impending financial crisis in the US that seems to be rapidly spreading throughout the world. No one seems to have a clear answer, and that is understandable. There are just too many variables in operation, and very little clarity.

The challenge many of us face is this: Can we handle taking action without knowing whether it is the right or best action?

Here is what I have learned in my own roller coaster version of life: Listen to your intuition, and balance it as best you can with truthful rational analysis of the situation you face. Then take action.

There is great power in action.

Go for it. Even if you make the wrong choice, at least you will generate some action energy and break free of the painful, mind-numbing cement of indecision!

Get Mad and Get Going

May 7, 2009 by  
Filed under Life Mastery

catincircleFeel like your life is stuck in a rut and going in circles? Maybe the time has come to put some powerful e-motion to work.

Emotion is actually one of the most powerful energies we humans have. It IS literally mental energy in motion. And certain emotions are so powerful they can instantly change your life.

What human emotions have such power? Anger and love especially when fueled by the fire of passion intense e-motion.

Not much needs to be said about the ability of passionate love to change your life overnight. But how about passionate anger? Although passionate anger can be very powerful, its energy is not really bad or good. It is simply energy in motion.

Actually it is what you choose to DO with your anger that makes it a positive or negative force in your life. And as with any powerful e-motion, you can put it to work in both negative and positive ways.

If you have ever been captured by an uncontrollable rage, you have experienced a piece of the outer limits of what anger can become. On one level it is behind crimes of passion – and on the other hand, if can fuel the ability to strike back at a threat and survive.

But anger can also be a powerful force for personal transformation. Here is a real life story about the power of anger. A man in his late twenties woke up in the dismal surroundings he called home a very cheap hotel room with a sagging mattress, a flea-bitten armchair, a small table with a habit of losing a leg, and a single window opening onto a view of the next door soot-covered building.

He put on the shorts and socks that had dried on the chair overnight, pulled on a pair of rumpled trousers. Then he sank back down onto the edge of the mattress, rubbed his swollen, bloodshot eyes, and sighed.

Life was not going well for this young man. He was marginally educated and young – and his life was simply not moving in a positive direction. He bent over to put on his shoes, but instead threw one at the wall. His anger and frustration began to build, and he threw the other shoe at the wall.

His face blazed crimson. The frustration and self-loathing that had been building within suddenly erupted like a volcano. This is enough, he shouted. Enough of this disgusting lifestyle.

Today this same young man owns a multitude of successful businesses, and is highly regarded my millions of people. His initials are TR. Sound familiar? Tony is an example of how you can use passionate anger to literally turn your life around on a dime.

You too have choices about how to use the energy of anger. Suppose, for example you are struggling to make ends meet, like many people today. What can you do?

• You can stuff it. But if you do so the problem will not go away. What repressed anger does is to make its home somewhere in your body and create more stress. Ever ask someone What’s eating you? Your intuition picked up on the repressed anger setting them up for ulcers, colitis, and other digestive disorders.

• You can turn it against others. Not much needs to be said about how counter-productive this strategy can be.

• You can work it out physically. The energy of anger can be transformed into physical energy, which is far more beneficial than stuffing your anger. Some common outlets are running, working out, etc. But this is not necessarily a lot of fun.

• You can use it to motivate yourself. Think about what Tony Robbins did in his life. It is the same thing Eleanor Roosevelt did to transform herself from a homely, insecure young girl to a world respected leader. If your life is NOT what you want it to be, start by getting mad enough to take action.

Remember: Anger is just an emotion. But passionate anger can become a highly motivational and unstoppable energy in motion. Put it to work in your life as a positive force to lose weight, get a new job… whatever you NEED to make yourself happy. Just waiting for *it* to happen does NOT work, and never will.

Or if you’re mad enough to really GO FOR IT, come on into Dr. Jill’s Gold Success Training. At the end of 6-weeks you WILL be in action and on target. Go take a look at the amazing results other people just like yourself have achieved. Click here.

A Natural Swine Flu Remedy

May 1, 2009 by  
Filed under Life Mastery

Loren Thomas, MDWhat if you could self-administer a cure proven to prevent or remedy any disease – from the swine flu to cancer? Would it be worth 1½ cents a day?

The medical establishment blames viruses, microbes, germs and bacteria for causing everything from the flu to cancer. But research proves that although these are precursors to disease, they do NOT cause the disease. What they do is create a condition in your body that then results in disease.

More than 15,000 European doctors have healed millions of patients using a simple inexpensive cure, and over 6,100 articles have been published in European scientific literature hailing the success of this simple, inexpensive therapy.

Yet this information has been aggressively suppressed in the United States — and American doctors who have dared to use it to cure a wide variety of “incurable” and life-threatening diseases have come under heavy attack.

Why? Because this simple cure threatens the trillion-dollar earnings of the pharmaceutical and health care industries — not to mention the medical establishments that make huge profits providing expensive drugs, complex medical procedures and long hospital stays.

Come learn about this remarkable, scientifically-proven, totally natural therapy that can RAPIDLY enable your body to oversome practically any disease. Learn everything you need to know for less than the price (and the possible threat) of a flu shot!   Click Here!

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