Why Does the Law of Attraction Backfire?
July 29, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction often seems to backfire, and bring what you do NOT want into your life. Here’s why, and an unusual solution.
You hear a lot today about using the Law of Attraction to get what you want in your life or business. But little is being said about the negative side of using the Law of Attraction to attract what you want in your life or business.
BUT, this negative side of manifesting is often far more powerful than the positive side that tries to help you get wnat you want.
Here are some questions I’ve have received from folks:
- Eevery day I visualize, but NOTHING is happening.
- The more I want something… the more I do NOT get it.
- Why do I seem to always attract what I do NOT want.
- It seems to work at first, then everything just falls apart.
Do some of the above questions echo what’s happening to YOU? If so, you’re a experiencing the negative side of the Law of Attraction in YOUR life. Instead of managing to attract what you want — you attract more of what you do NOT want.
How the Negative Side Works
Anything you focus on sets your brain up to create more of the same. And the more emotion (both new and old) attached to what you focus on, the more likely you will actually manifest that something in your life — whether or not you actually want it.
This is proven scientific reality, not theory. The negative side of the Law of Attraction actually operates as a powerful negative goal setting machine. It creates subconscious goals to attract the very thing you do NOT want.
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Do We Create Future Memories of Success?
July 20, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Success Insights
What is a future memory of success?
When you take a few minutes to think about what you are going to do over the weekend, you’re actually visualizing success with something in the future.
Many ultra successful people use a process of waking dreaming (communly called visualization) to actually create future memories of success that then drive their actions.
What is a future memory?
A waking dream starts out as a daydream, or visualization. But each time the visualization is revisited, the neural networks associated with it are physically strengthened.
Eventually, if the dvisualization is repeated enough, what started out as a daydream becomes a dominant vision of a future memory. The key word here is DOMINANT.
You can bet that all successful people started out with their own collection of personal fears, doubts, and perceived limitations. But as their dream was encoded into their brain cells through repetition, it gradually became more dominant than their fears and doubts.
Soon the neural network holding their dream is stable enough to totally override those old fears and doubts. This is NOT a made-up scenario. It is solidly based on modern neuroscience.
Think about that for a moment. This is a powerful key to success. BUT here’s what you have to remember: Every repeated thought builds its own strong physical neural networks. This is why it is so important to consciously use this process to build future memories of success — not failure.
What is the REAL Secret to Goal Success?
July 13, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Prosperity, Success Insights
Had disapointing results with your personal or business goal success?
It is commonly agreed that goal success involves setting specific, measurable and time-targeted objectives for something you want to achieve.
Goal setting is obviously an important key to success. But there is something more involved that many people forget to focus on. Goal success depends on having a realistic goal plan that puts you in action moving toward your goal.
Your first step in goal success requires that you set an achievable goal.
1. Decide exactly what your goal is
This is your first job, and there really is NO short cut. Be as specific as possible. Your success will be a measure of your clarity – since an achievable goal plan cannot be created around a nebulous “dream.
2. Be willing to pay the “entry fee”
Success takes dedicated planning and effort. In a way it’s like building a house. In the beginning all you have is a rough concept. Then you develop a complete goal plan – and you immediately move closer to success. Creating a detailed step-by-step goal plan is the key here. Even Psychology Today cites the importance of developing a goal plan.
3. Focus on your goal every day
It is important to focus your mind consistently on your goal. Goal boards, post-it notes, and even on target screen savers can help. Consistent daily focus is absolutely necessary to “burn in” the new neural pathways you need to have goal success. This should be reflected in your goal plan. Success is an every-day event.
4. Get passionate
Having real passion for your goal. Be sure you have selected a goal you truly care about, or you may never get past the first “bump in the road.” Have you selected a goal you have passion for?
5. Act
The second key to goal success is ACTION based on a goal plan. This is where the development of a formal goal plan comes in.