New Evidence You Can Read Minds

May 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Mind Stretch

EinsteinCan You Read Minds?

YES, you can — and DO read minds. You already realize  you can  feel the emotions of others, and also  understand their feelings and motives.

In effect, you can actually see things from their unique perspective. But how we do this has long been a subject of intense debate among psychologists and neurologists.

But some scientists now believe we are all  read minds, and the evidence is mounting.  It all has to do with what scientisit  call “mirror neurons.” And yes – you DO have them in YOUR brain!

How You Read Minds

Back in 1996, three neuroscientists were probing the brain of a macaque monkey when they stumbled across a curious cluster of cells in an area of the brain that helps us plan  movements.

They found that the cluster of cells fired not only when the monkey performed an action – but also when the monkey saw the same action performed by someone else. The cells  responded the same way whether the monkey reached out to grasp a peanut, or merely watched as another monkey or a human grab a peanut. Because the cells reflected what the monkey observed in others, the neuroscientists named them “mirror neurons.”

Later experiments confirmed the existence of mirror neurons in humans … and revealed yet another surprise: In addition to mirroring actions, the cells ALSO mirror sensations and emotions. In effect — they discovered how we read minds.

“With mirror neurons we are practically in another person’s mind,” says Marco Iacoboni, a neuroscientist that works at the School of Medicine of the University of California, Los Angeles.

Vittorio Gallese, a neuroscientist at the University of Parma in Italy and one of original discovers of mirror neurons, has another name for this theory. Gallese calls it the “Vulcan Approach,” in honor of the Star Trek protagonist Spock, who belonged to an alien race called the Vulcans who suppressed their emotions in favor of logic. Spock was often unable to understand the emotions underlying human behavior.

You Are a Natural Mind Reader

All this indicates that we are all natural mind readers. We place ourselves in another person’s “mental shoes,” and use our own mind as a model for theirs.

Gallese contends that when we interact with someone, we do more than just observe the other person’s behavior. He believes we create internal representations of their actions, sensations and emotions within ourselves, as if we are the ones that are moving, sensing and feeling.

“We share with others not only the way they normally act or subjectively experience emotions and sensations, but also the neural circuits enabling those same actions, emotions and sensations: the mirror neuron systems,” Gallese said.

Want to further develop your natural extraordinary to read minds? Get Super Smart!

Posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Solutions

How to DOUBLE Your Brain Power

April 22, 2011 by  
Filed under BEST POSTS, Mind Stretch

You CAN  Double Your Brain Power

Think you have an “average” or perhaps an “above average” mental capacity?

Actually you have far more brain power than you can begin to imagine. You have close to, or  perhaps even beyond, *genius* brain power potential! You say you don’t believe me?

The past 20 years could well be called “the decade of the brain.” Neuroscience now has the means of observing a healthy living brain in action.   But still, trying to define our  ultimate brain power capacity is like trying to place your finger on a globule of mercury.

The human mind is infinitely complex and subtle. And your amazing mind is no exception!

Your Amazing Brain Power

Your brain contains 1,000,000,000,000 individual nerve cells (neurons). But this figure is even more astounding when you consider that each nerve cell can interact with at least as many as 100,000 other nerve cells.

Then … if we calculate the potential capacity of your brain cells to make interconnections — the resulting number would be at least 10.5 million kilometers long.

How Much Brain Power Are YOU Using?

No known person has even approached using their full brain power or mental capacity. The human brain is virtually limitless.

It was once estimated we use about 10% of our mental potential. Today neuroscience has dropped that estimate to less than one percent. And even that figure seems overly optimistic!

Your “Thinking Cap” You’ve likely heard the expression “thinking cap.” That slang term refers to our brain’s cerebral cortex — the “cortical grey matter” neuroscientists consider the source of our thinking capacity.

Your cortex is actually split into two separate sides connected by a fantastically dense and complex highway of nerve fibers called the “corpus collosum.”

In most people, the left side of the cerebral cortex deals with logical matters — words, numbers, reasoning, and analysis. It spends a lot of time in the “beta” brainwave range. The right side of your cerebral cortex, on the other hand, deals with imagination, images, color, day-dreaming, visualization, and pattern recognition. It tends to focus quite a bit in the “alpha” brainwave range so highly developed in meditators.

Are You Right-Brained OR Left-Brained?

There’s a common assumption that most people are either right-brained OR left-brained.

If that’s true, then we must assume that the great scientific genius Albert Einstein was left-brained — and the great creative master of photography Ansel Adams would then have been right-brained.

But was this the case?

Nope. An examination of the notebooks of Albert Einstein and Ansel Adams pokes huge holes in this common theory. In fact, Einstein credited his greatest scientific insights not to left-brain logic — but rather to his right-brain highly creative daydreaming and brain power.

And Ansel Adams credited his greatest art photographs not to his right-brain artistic “eye” — but rather to his left-brain detailed analytical note taking.

Actually – our most powerful and expansive mental activities are those using *both sides* of our cortex.

When you describe yourself as primarily creative or intuitive (right-brained), or analytical and logical (left-brained), you are just describing the side of the cortex you have most successfully developed. With the right nurturing, the other side of your cortex can also flourish and develop!

This has the potential to *double* your mind power!

Immediately DOUBLE Your Brain Power

There’s a simple, but powerful, way for you to immediately refine the non-dominant side of your cortex and double your brain power. Great athletes do it. So do top executives, famous artists, and people from all walks of life who seek to excel in their lives.

On first reading, the following solution may seem too simple to be effective. Just give it a try, and you’ll be amazed at the expanded depth of your mental capacity.

The solution? If you’re analytical — encourage yourself to daydream. And if you’re instead predominantly creative — encourage yourself to begin to logically analyze your creative efforts. Activate your mind and ask yourself “what if.” And… begin to pay more attention to your mental wanderings.


The author of this article is the scientific director of something you NEED to learn more about. Go check out How she shows the lucky few how to actually BUILD MIND POWER => Amaze Yourself!


Posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Solutions

Boost Your Memory – An Ancient Remedy

April 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Health

Want to Boost Your Memory?

Need to boost your memory? Few people realize that our brain functions actually begin to slow down after age 30. So if you seem to be having “senior moments” of walking into a room and wondering why you are there — its not a sign your are getting AD.  It just may be time to boost your memory a bit.

A Natural  Way to Boost Your Memory

According to the ancient ayurveda healing traditions, the nose is the doorway to the brain, and therefore to mental functions. That’s why the smell of a gardenia may remind you of your great Aunt Minnie, or why the scent of fresh baked bread might remind you of your Mother. So thed nose also provides a pathway to boost your memory!

Ayurvedic practitioners believe that every home should have a medicinal clarified butter (ghee) that has been infused with a memory boost herb — brahmi (centella asiatica). Brahmi ghee is used to deliver herbs into the blood stream via the nasal passages, and has been applied to the inside of the nose daily by Indian health-seekers for centuries. It can also be taken orally, but to boost your memory try applying to your nose!

Benefits of Brahmi to Boost Your Memory

Brahmi is one of those amazing herbs that benefits just about everyone — inclouding those who want to boost their memory!  Considered a rasayana herb, meaning that it has rejuvenating properties.

Brahmi is an excellent tonic for the brain and nervous system. It’s believed to help nourish the brain, and has been used to treat and provide support for the following conditions and disorders:

• Seasonal Affective Disorder
• Stress
• Lack of clarity
• Lack of focus
•  Memory boost
• Anxiety
• Degenerative brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s
• Moodiness
• Depression
• Migraines

How to Use Brahmi Ghee

To boost your mekmory by stimulating the olfactory bulb (the nerve center in your brain responsible for your sense of smell) —  place 5 drops of warmed brahmi ghee in each nostril at bedtime. Then lie down on your back with your head tilted up to the ceiling, and inhale gently several times to help move the oil into your sinuses.

Get Brahmi Ghee Here

Made from Certified Organic Butter, Brahmi Ghee is excellent to enhance meditation, promote sleep, calming formula, improves focus & concentration. For thousands of years, Ghee has been used for its many health benefits. Brahmi Ghee $19.99=> Click Here

Boost your memory naturally with Brahmi Ghee.

Posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Solutions

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