Monday, January 20, 2025

Good News – Pay It Forward Happening

November 22, 2010 by  
Filed under BEST POSTS, Feeling Positive

Here’s some good news…

Dr. Jill here from The Self Growth Planet. Did you see the movie *Pay It Forward* with Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt –or did you read the book? Well although a  decade has passed, it seems like the movement is still alive and well. And that’s really good news!

Real Live Good News

The *Pay It Forward* concept is to reach out and help a stranger, expecting only that they will do the same for someone else. The good news is —  this great idea of performing unsolicited acts of kindness has actually surfaced as a social movement in the sweet little seaside town of Nanaimo, British Columbia [located on Vancouver Island.]

According to one well-known Nanaimo resident, he got to the window at Tim Horton’s to pay for his cup of coffee, but the cashier told him that the customer before him had already paid for his coffee. When he then told the sales girl that he would then pay for the next person behind him, she told him he was the fourth consecutive person to do this.

That stirred up his interest. He asked the girl if anyone at the restaurant had kept track of such spontaneous acts of kindness. One of the employees shared even more good news —  he was aware of 30 people in a row on one day.

It seems that in the midst of all the gloom and doom we get from the news media lately, caring for your neighbor is still alive and well. Hurrah.

Let’s Keep This Good News Going!

How about passing this good news along to your friends and Facebook pals. Let’s keep this friendly good news movement going.


PINEAL GLAND & THIRD EYE: Proven Methods to Develop your higher self
By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler

There is now very real scientific proof that your pineal gland truly IS a third eye. Read More Here!


posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Success


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