How Can I Build My Mind Power?

March 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Features

Build Your Mind Power!

Want to build your mind power? You have come to the right place.

Mind power building tools are what Quantum-Self is all about. One of our co-founders, Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler, is a pioneer brain/mind researcher. She was one of the first to make mind power training to the corporate world. She currently focuses on creating the mind power tools and brainwave trainings now featured in the Self Growth Planet.

Dr. Jill tells us that there is new scientific evidence that surfing the web and reading something on your monitor actually stimulates MORE of your brain cells than just reading a book. So enjoy yourself, and boost your mind power at the same time.

Recommended Mind Power Tools

Increase your mind power using the tools and special tips below:

Can you provide the right answer to these brain teasers? Have some fun and build your mind power at the same time. Ponder these brain teasers to stretch your brain cells into expanded potential. In short — have some fun!



A reliable source of stereo-quality downloadable MP3s is available to help you train your brain into the brainwaves experienced by the Tibetan monks studied by neuroscientist Richard Davidson of the University of Wisconsin at the request of the Dalai Lama. Click Here

Natural ESP PowersFREE eBook

You can sign up for a FREE eBook by Dr. Jill: “How to Shake the Money Tree” & weekly brain tips on the sign-up link in the top right corner of our website. ENJOY!!!



Quick mind power tips by Julie Rosset. Some amazing and very simple ways you can get an immediate mental lift. Get a Lift



Come build your mind power at Quantum-Self!

posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Success

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