Can Mind Power REALLY Stop Pain?
August 21, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Build Mind Power
Laid on a bed of nails or run 21 miles lately? PROBABLY NOT. But you do not need to be a holy man or marathon runner to use mind power to block out pain.
“Pain is an emotional reaction to an evaluation in one’s head,” said Ruediger Fabian, president of German Pain Aid, an organization based in the town of Gruenendeich. “The sensation of pain is subjective,” he said.
As explained by Professor Rolf-Detlef Treede, president of the Boppard-based German Society for the Study of Pain (DGSS), sensory receptors transmit the signal to the spinal cord. The central nervous system then passes it on to the brain, which processes it in any of various ways.
“The brain has to decide what’s important and what’s not,” Fabian noted. Pain is a protective mechanism of the body, he explained, and a pain stimulus on its way to the brain always takes precedence over other stimuli. But a pain stimulus can be waylaid before it gets there, for example by medication. Anyone who goes to the dentist’s knows that. “Local anesthesia prevents the pain stimulus from reaching the brain,” Treede said.
More important, however, is how the brain processes a pain stimulus that has arrived. “The brain can learn that a certain pain isn’t so important,” Treede explained. If someone scrapes an arm, he said, the injury often looks bad but the injured person knows it is harmless.
The brain can also grow accustomed to pain, Treede said. “Like it gets used to the hot cup of coffee in the morning, for example.”
Through training, people can influence how their brains evaluate pain, according to Professor Walter Zieglgaensberger from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich. Pain sufferers need to take an active part in this process.
“The brain has no delete key,” Zieglgaensberger said, noting that every pain leaves tracks in the brain. After drug treatment, therefore, it is important that patients do things that they used to avoid because of pain, he advised. This causes the brain to overlay old memories of pain with new, positive links. “The fear of pain is worse than the pain itself in such cases.”
Will We ALL Be Telepathic By 2030?
August 20, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Mind Stretch
According to a World Future Society prediction, we will ALL become telepathic by 2030. How can this be so? The prediction is that wireless technology will soon be incorporated into our thought processing. If the prediction is right, by then we will then begin to augment our 100 trillion inter-neuronal connections with high-speed virtual connections via nano-robotics.
It is expected that this will allow us to greatly boost our overall thinking capacity — as well as to directly interface with powerful forms of computer intelligence, and with each other telepathically.
Which means we’ll also be able to move beyond the brain’s present performance capacity. Researchers have already demonstrated that with the help of wired implants it’s possible for a person to move a cursor on a computer screen just by thinking about it.
How long before such developments become non-invasive and wireless and the inter-face involves two or more human beings communicating by thought alone? Instead of telepathy, it’s being called “techlepathy.”
The first generation devices will be unidirectional. That is, the neural patterns of unspoken words would be transmitted to the other person before receiving the other person’s transmission in return. This is much like how walkie-talkies work.
Later, the pre-speech thought patterns themselves would be transmitted. Ultimately, the transference will become seamlessly bi-directional and would include other non-verbal signals such as consciousness and emotions. By then it could also involve one or more persons or, indeed, as many as possible like an internet of connected minds.
Some experts in fact believe techno-enabled telepathy will become the primary form of human communication in the future, and everybody will make use of it for economic and social reasons once it becomes available. But no fear — privacy issues would not be a problem, as personal firewalls could be created to restrict any unwanted intrusion.
Yes, there’ll be hackers going in-mind from time to time, and mind-bloggers going openly public. But the future pundits say techlepathy should be as safe as having a mobile phone inside one’s head (does that sound safe?)
Would you rather just develop your own psychic abilities, and avoid the rush to the techlepathy store? Come check out this amazing approach to rapidly develop your NATURAL psychic abilities and beat them to the punch.
By Mukul Sharma
Source: Times of India
Houseplants Reduce Stress Symptoms?
August 19, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Feeling Positive, Quantum Library
Do you know how to recognize the symptoms of dangerous stress levels?
Typical symptoms of dangerous stress levels include headaches, poor mental focus, slipping memory, confusion, feeling spaced out, disturbed sleep patterns, feeling tired or run down, weight loss or gain… the list goes on and on.
But there’s hope – and even some remarkable evidence that just caring for a houseplant can help reduce your stress symptoms. Read on.
Most people are NOT aware of the degree to which they are suffering from stress. Our society admires those who show grace under pressure, and we all want to believe we can handle whatever life throws at us. But the stakes are high. People who can’t reduce chronic stress live shorter lives, suffer more illness and disability, have less satisfying relationships, and often are plagued by anxiety and/or depression.
We all know that stress contributes to weight gain, diabetes and many other ailments – but few realize just how harmful stress is for the physical brain itself. And fewer still know how to recognize their own stress symptoms.
Although chronic stress has long been known to trigger the release of excessive amounts of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, new studies show that both hormones actually KILL brain cells, and interfere with the production of new ones.
Is stress really an issue? Consider this: Research shows that chronic stress seriously disrupts our immune, endocrine and digestive systems. This has important implications for our physical health And killing our gray matter (the brain’s information processing center) from long periods of even minor stress is also not a pretty picture..
The Best Proven Stress Reducers
Changing our thought patterns can help us better control stress. This can allow us to prevent and even reverse some of the adverse changes such as loss of brain cells in our hippocampus — where our memory resides.
Research shows that people who spend just 20 minutes a day focusing on their breath, or on calming thoughts, experience lower blood pressure, less anxiety and reduced chronic pain from stress.
Moderate exercise is also an excellent stress fighter. Other good stress reducers are feeling we have a purpose in life, or having a pet to care for. There is also quite a bit of evidence that engineered brainwave training, which has actually been around for almost 40 years is a very effective stress fighter, and has lasting stress management effects.
How a Plant Can Help
But here’s a research study that may really surprise you: In one study the residents of a nursing home were split into two groups. Half of the residents were told that they were responsible for taking care of a house plant.
After one year, the people who were caring for a house plant were healthier and had fewer illnesses. They also lived longer than the group who did not have a plant to care for. So yes, DO go buy a plant – or give one to your Mom, Dad, Grandma, or even your boss 🙂