Create a Better Personal Reality
April 18, 2010 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Life Mastery
Define your personal reality!
EVERY single thought you think has actual and very powerful creative power. This is the power behind the saying that we are the source of all that is present in our life … and is how we create our personal reality.”
Why is this so? Because the subconscious mind, by its very nature, accepts whatever we imagine to be REAL, then uses it to create our ACTUAL outer reality.
This includes the thoughts you think about what you want, or whom you wish to become. Likewise the thoughts you think about what you do NOT want will create, and cause the fulfillment of, exactly what you do NOT want. This is why I say that worry is powerful negative goal setting!
Creative visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you WANT in your life. There is nothing at all new, strange or unusual about this success tool. You are already using it every minute of every day.
Designe your personal reality
Imagining what you want is like simply building a model before you build the real thing. These images actually direct the energy in your mind and body. Each of your thoughts radiates the essence of yourself out into the environment… and from there out into the universe.
And because of the power of visualization, it’s very important to develop your self-awareness of what you are thinking — so that nothing will come about in your life unless you consciously choose it!
Create a Better Personal Reality
You are the virtual creator of your life. Everything you perceive “out there” is a materialization of your thoughts, formed by YOUR energy into symbols of the inner you — your essence. Nothing happens that you have not called to you.
It is through this process that personal transformation Reality and empowerment occur.
Posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Solutions
Manifesting Your Intentions
February 3, 2010 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Life Mastery
Manifesting an intention.
Even if you have a flash of genius, that flash simply remains inside your head until it materializes because of an intention.
So the important issue is how it gets materialized. There are efficient ways and inefficient ways. The most efficient way is shown to us by the mind itself, says Chopra.
How to Manifest Your Intentions
Now consider a large intention, such as the intention to go to medical school. Between having this idea in your mind initially and fulfilling it are many steps, and these are not all internal at all: raising tuition money, passing exams, gaining admission, etc.
Yet each of these steps depends upon brain/mind operations being invisibly coordinated. You think, move and act using intention. All events take place in the mind field first and then exhibit their outward manifestation.
You can be detached from how things are going to work out because you have left it to the cosmos. Past success and failure don’t matter since each intention is computed afresh, without regard for old conditioning. You are able to be patient about each step, given that timing is worked out perfectly on another level.
Over the months and years of getting to be a doctor, you remain a silent witness as pieces of the process fall into place. Even as you go through the action, the “doing” of it remains impersonal.
On the ego level you may feel disappointment that event A occurred instead of event B, which you expected, but a deeper level you know that B happened for a better reason.
Your chief responsibility for manifesting was to have the intention in the first place, to remain as sensitive and alert as possible.
The turning points in life arrive as small signals at first… and only amplify when you choose to follow them. So being vigilant about tiny clues is a major part of your individual evolution.
Posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Solutions
Got Dangerous Stress Levels?
November 29, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under BEST POSTS, Life Mastery
Stress is an intimate part of our lives today — there’s no getting around it.
Stress in and of itself is not bad. Stress is to the human condition what tension is to the violin string: too little and the music is dull and raspy; too much and the music is shrill or the string snaps. Excess stress is blamed for many serious physical illnesses ranging from heart disease, early aging, and even Alzheimer’s disease.
Myth: No symptoms = no stress.
An absence of symptoms does not mean the absence of stress. In fact, camouflaging symptoms with medications could deprive you of the signals you need to reducing the strain on your body and mind.
Many of us experience symptoms of stress in a very physical way, even though stress is a psychological effect. Feeling anxious, shortness of breath, or simply feeling run down all the time can all be physical signs of stress. Feeling overwhelmed, disorganized and having difficulty concentrating are common mental signs of stress.
Myth: Only major symptoms of stress require attention.
This myth assumes that the minor symptoms of stress, like headaches or stomach acid, may be safely ignored. But these minor symptoms of stress are actually early warning signs that your life is getting out of hand, and that you need to do a better job of managing stress.
Myth: Stress is just all in your head.
Stress is NOT just imagination – it is what happens to you, it is a psychophysical reaction that occurs in your brain. The resulting chemical and hormonal changes then affect every single organ of your body.
– Forty-three percent of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress.
– 75 to 90 percent of all physician office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.
– Stress is linked to the six leading causes of death–heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide.
Are you moving toward dangerous levels of stress? Here’s a short self-test to help you answer that question:
Just answer each of the following questions with a True or False
1. I often have migraine, tension or painful headaches.
2. I have not taken any time off in a long time.
3. I am often concerned about financial issues.
4. I have too little time with my friends and things I enjoy.
5. I often have a hard time going to sleep, and cannot shut off my mind.
6. I often feel distracted and forget what I was doing.
7. I seem to be losing or gaining weight.
8. I have chronic, ongoing pain.
9. I feel like my life has no purpose.
10. I never seem to reach my goals or achieve my dreams.
11. I often skip meals because I am too busy.
12. I don’t have any family or friends to turn to.
13. I don’t exercise or walk regularly.
14. I take medication for depression or anxiety.
15. My intimate life is not satisfying, or I have performance issues.
Count the number of True’s, and assign one point for each.
Here’s how to assess your stress level:
(a) Less than 5 points: Well managed low stress level.
(b) 5 – 6 points: Moderate stress.
(c) 7-9 points: High stress levels.
(d) 10 – 15 points: An exceptionally high level of stress.
Here’s a way to instantly manage any level of stress=> Instant Stress Reduction
Disclaimer: This information is educational only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult your medical professional if you have concerns about your stress symptoms.
Ensure Healthy Longevity
There’s more to healthy longevity than physical exercise and a healthy diet. The deeper issues are maintaining mental agility, and human growth hormone (HgH) production. HgH is naturally produced by our brain, but production tapers off as we pass age 30. Decreased HgH leads to skin aging, weakened bones, lessened sexual performance, and a less reliable immune system. Read More Here!
Posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Solutions