Sunday, March 09, 2025

Upbeat Ideas

How to Survive and Rebuild How to Survive and Rebuild

The Survive & Rebuild Challenge. Many people today are demonstrating amazing... 

How Did A Hippy Become a Millionaire? How Did A Hippy Become a Millionaire?

Can a hippy become a mega millionaire? There’s something very powerful we... 

How Can I Get My Life Back on Track? How Can I Get My Life Back on Track?

I think we’ve all had moments when we feel our life is off track! Maybe its... 

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Exceptional Solutions

Can You BECOME a Genius? Can You BECOME a Genius?

How to BUILD genius mind power If your IQ is ataverage,  hold on to your socks:... 

Experience Mental Excellence Experience Mental Excellence

  A question for you — Would you consider mental sharpness an important quality? Dr.... 

Super Human Mind Power? Super Human Mind Power?

Is super human mind power possible?  YES! There’s a man from the Netherlands... 

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Quantum-Self: Tools & Programs

Want REAL Success? Want REAL Success?

8 Proven Success Strategies. There are 8 proven strategies to success that highly successful people have always used to overcome obstacles to their goals. 1. Get Aligned  It’s important to first clearly define exactly what you are truly passionate about — then find a way to become successful at that passion. Only passion stirs up the kind of... [Read more of this review]

States of Consciousness States of Consciousness

Brainwaves & States of Consciousness Each and every thought or memory you have has a corresponding brainwave – an electrical signal that passes through your brain and triggers an appropriate memory, thought, response or action. The goal of the QUANTUM MIND training program is to support you in learning to recognize exactly what mental state and... [Read more of this review]

Change Habits Change Habits

You have approximaely 30 billion neurons, the nerve cells that conduct information throughout your brain and down into your body. It has been estimated that your brain has 100,000 miles of neural fibers created as your neurons communicate with each other. How Power of Mind Works. Everything making up your power of mind is stored on such physical neural-pathways.... [Read more of this review]

Are You Chasing the Right Dream Are You Chasing the Right Dream

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. ~~ William James, famed psychologist Achieving certain dreams often requires FAR LESS WORK than achieving other, seemingly easier goals. Why is that so? Because it is much, much harder to work for a goal we do not passionately desire.... [Read more of this review]

What is The **SCIENCE** Behind the Law of Attraction? What is The **SCIENCE** Behind the Law of Attraction?

THE LAW OF ATTRACTION CAN TOTALLY BE UNDERSTOOD IN TERMS OF MODERN SCIENCE. And once you know this aspect, it really DOES work. It’s amazing the way our brain works. It’s so similar to many other phenomena in the universe. You already know that your brain selects from virtually infinite universal possibilities in a way very similar to the... [Read more of this review]

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From: Quantum Self Group

The Quantum Mind Brainwave Training Program.

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