How to Build Mind Power

March 21, 2009 by  
Filed under Build Mind Power


Thinking Builds Connections

Recent research on the physical results of thinking have clearly demonstrated that just challenging your  brain by thinking actually increases the number of connections between your brain cells. The more we think, the better our brain function – regardless of age.

The famed researcher Dr. Marion Diamond says the brain can change at any age. In fact, older brains may often have an advantage. She discovered that highly developed neurons respond even better to intellectual enrichment than less developed (younger) ones do. You can build your mind power, regardless of your age!

Walking Builds Brain Power
Walking is especially good for your brain and mind power, because it increases blood circulation, and thus more oxygen and glucose reach your brain. And since walking isn’t strenuous, your muscles use up the extra oxygen and glucose like they do during more intense forms of exercise.

Walking may seem to clear your head and help you to think better because is oxygenates your brain. Also the increased blood flow to the brain enhances your brain’s energy production and waste removal. Several studies now show that in response to exercise, cerebral blood vessels grow, even in middle-aged, in response to exercise.

A Toe Wiggle Brain Exercise
Wiggling your toes  immediately activates a set of nerves that stimulate your brain and internal organs?  Try this mind power exercise in the morning before you get out of bed: Slowly begin to move your toes any way that feels good to you. Try moving them all and once, and then in smaller groups.

You can also do this exercise after sitting for an extended period of time. You will be surprised at how it helps you become more alert and energized.

A Daily Brain Building Exercise
Here’s a do it now exercise that will immediately develop your mind power by creating new physical neural connections: Switch the hand you’re using to control your computer mouse and begin to use the hand you normally avoid.  If you immediately feel uncomfortable and awkward, that’s a good sing that your brain is struggling to learn a new skill.

Try expanding this to other everyday routines such as getting out of bed on the opposite side, holding your brush or toothbrush with the other hand, driving a different route to the store or work, etc.

Brainwave Training
In the final analysis, the fastest way to build your mind power is through the regular use of engineered brainwave training. There’s a reason Dr. Deepak Chopra calls brainwave training the medicine of the future. You can immediately bust your stress, develop amazing mental clarity, and even raise your IQ or overcome ADD and ADHD. Check out the Self Growth Planet!

Fake Your Way to Happiness

March 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Feeling Positive


Can you steer your life toward happiness by simply counting your blessings? Maybe. One recent researcher found that people who pause each day to reflect on the positive aspects of their lives (for example: their health, friends, family, education, freedom) are more likely to get happy and experience heightened well-being.

Or if you’re feeling a little down – maybe you can fake your way and get happy too! You may have more control over your mood than you think. According to other new research, people who choose to act more outgoing, happy or assertive actually improve their outlook on life.

In three complementary studies, William Fleeson and colleagues tracked the moods of more than 100 students. In the first study, 46 students kept diaries for approximately two weeks. They reported feeling happy and more positive when they acted outgoing. When acting shy and reserved, their feelings were just the opposite.

The second study looked at long-term effects of acting like an extrovert. Once again, the 10-week study revealed that the 57 students in this portion of the study were more likely to be happy when they acted more extroverted.

In the final study, 47 students were told to act either like an extrovert or introvert during a discussion group. Participants who were energetic and assertive had more fun, were happy, and enjoyed the group — while the passive and shy ones were unhappy in the situation.

Self-Confidence and Your Performance

March 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Life Mastery


Many scientific studies tell us that our self -confidence has a direct effect on our performance in all areas of  life — and that this is directly tied to what we simply believe to be true.

Lets review just one classic study.

Picture this… A teacher comes into a primary-level classroom, and tells her students that a new scientific study proves blue-eyed children are a lot smarter than brown- or green-eyed children.

The results are dramatic. The blue-eyed children immediately began to outperform their brown and green-eyed classmates in all aspects of their studies.

Then two months later the teacher calls a special classroom meeting. She tells the students she had made a serious mistake. She apologizes, and says the scientific study actually proven that brown- and green-eyed children are the most intelligent.

Again the results are dramatic and immediate. The blue-eyed children lose their edge and begin to under perform. The brown- and green-eyed children’s grades, on the other hand, immediately soar to the superior range.

What does this prove? Simply this:

  • If you *believe* youâyou are  smart, you act smart.
  • If you *believe* you are creative, you act creative.
  • If you *believe* you are a success, you act successful.
  • If you believe you are excellent at something, you act excellent.

We each live up (or live down) to the image we hold of our own self.


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