Build Prosperity Mind Power
June 24, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Law of Attraction
The Value of a Thought
Do you have a desire to become wealthy? OK. Then let’s play a little mental monopoly game to set an imaginary value on your mental process.
Let’s suppose that for every thought you have, you either gain or lose a dollar. Assuming you have one thought a minute, every hour would then offer a potential $60 gain or a $60 loss.
Each successful 16 hour day would then equal a potential gain of $960. But on the other hand, a single negative thought like Forget it, I’ll never make it anyway might trash four hours creating a loss of $240 on your mental balance sheet.
So, can you see how important a single thought can be to one seeking prosperity?
The Power of a Thought
Your life is not just the result of the thoughts streaming through your mind. In truth, your thoughts actually create your life.
How can that be so?
OK. Suppose you were laid off from your job. Now it’s obvious you did not create the weak economy leading to that event. BUT you ARE in total control of how you respond.
Here’s how that works: Suppose you get depressed and just give up. Your response would obviously create a negative reality in your life.
But what if you instead take the tiger by the tail and start a new business on the web. You will have then created an entirely different reality in response to the exact same event.
Life doesn’t just happen to us. It’s our response to what occurs that creates our personal reality.
Think about this for a moment. You really ARE in charge of creating your own life.
The Thought Streaming Process
Many people go through their lives paying little or no attention to their active thought process. They are largely unaware of how their mind works: What it tends to pay attention to, what it fears, what it says to itself, and evenwhat it chooses to simply ignore.
For the most part we eat, sleep, work, play, laugh, worry, hope, plan, love, hate, cook, drive, work out all with little thought as to how we think, or even what we are thinking.
This is not necessarily a bad thing.
If we gave conscious attention to virtually every one of our movements or actions, we would likely overload our brain with unimportant decisions.
But there’s another level of thinking we should give intense, dedicated attention to the thoughts that create our life reality.
Thought Stream Focus
Successful people have success-focused thought streams. Wealthy people have prosperity-focused thought streams. Powerful leaders have leadership-focused thought streams.
Do you want to create a lifestyle more prosperous than your current lifestyle? Then you’ll have to develop and refine a prosperity-focused thought stream.
That’s easy to say, you may be thinking. When you’re successful it’s easy to think success, and when you’re rich it”s easy to think prosperity. But I”m not close to wealthy or successful. The conditions of my life are keeping me down.
Not so. There’s only one thing keeping any of us down our thoughts.
Your thoughts got you where you are today and they will keep you there, unless replaced with something more positive and powerful.
But, you CAN learn to direct your mind to create any lifestyle you desire.
The only true requirement is that you take action. Just wishing for something to change has no effect at all. You will always remain exactly as you are today, unless you take action, and change the focus and content of your thoughts.
Creating a Reality Shift
Assuming you DO want more prosperity, the place to start is by building a solid prosperity focused thought stream.
Start with a review of your current thoughts.
If you want financial abundance, but constantly think about your lack of money Âyou’re focusing your thought stream on the wrong end of the abundance stick. You need to take charge of the internal messages your subconscious mind is broadcasting.
Failure to pay attention leaves your subconscious mind in control. Then your subconscious will simply continue to reinforce the same thoughts that created the reality you have today.
Focus on feeling prosperous. Do not give attention to mental thoughts of lack. Replace them immediately with thoughts of prosperity.
Does this seem too simple? True, this takes no special abilities, intelligence or talent. It only requires a decision to take control of your thoughts. That’s it.
No matter what your past or present situation, or how many times you might have failed to reach your goals, you CAN change your life condition by simply paying attention to the thoughts streaming through your mind.
Give it a try, and watch your reality shift.
Your lifestyle is a mirror reflection of exactly how you think. Prosperity consciousness doesn’t just happen. You create it. Or you just continue to accept the crumbs that life happens to throw your way.
Change your thinking, and you change your life. Learn how to apply modern neuroscience insights to take control of your mental process fast. Click here
Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction
March 26, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Law of Attraction
Quantum physics has clearly established that everything is basically energy in motion. Your automobile, the walls of your office, your desk, the clothing on your body, your computer — it is all vibrating energy.
Thoughts also consist of this very same energy, and are a powerful force in terms of creating reality (how we view and respond to the world inside and outside our own self).
Thought is an interesting phenomenon. By its very nature, it is forever trying to manifest itself into physical expression. You can compare your thoughts to the sparks that rise from a campfire. For although your thoughts contain the essence and potential power of the fire, they exist only briefly, then simply dissipate.
Because a thought lasts only a few seconds — you may think that a single thought has much inherent power. Enter the power of focus and repetition: A thought that is repeated with intense focus becomes concentrated mental power, just as sunlight can create fire when focused through a magnifying glass.
The more often a focused thought is repeated, the more energy and power it generates. This is not theory — it is based on the fact that each thought creates hundreds (or even thousands) of new neural connections in our brain.
The old theory of the power of attraction states that this is how we attract circumstances matching our thought images. There is a science-based way to interpret this same phenomenon. Here’s how it works: Any well-focused thought that is repeated often generates impressions of the desired reality in the subconscious mind.
And since the subconscious mind basically operates 24/7, and constantly scans our internal and external realities, it has been primed to notice anything that reminds it of the focused thought.
If you bought a new red Toyota RAV4, for example, you would suddenly notice every red RAV4 you pass on the highway. They were always there — it’s just that your excitement over your new RAV4 has primed your subconscious mind to note everything related to your new vehicle.
Are thoughts part of quantum reality?
Quantum physics tells us that you and I, as observers, have a direct and very real effect on the nature of reality. This is no exaggeration. Tiny sub-atomic particles (those you can’t see with your eyes) simply behave as unmanifested energy in accordance with what are called waves of probability. BUT the moment someone looks for the position of one of these particles, everything changes. At that moment they will suddenly convert from energy to observable matter.
So how does this apply to our day-to-day human realities? Try this: If focused observation can affect the outside world in such a radically powerful way, imagine what mastering that ability can do in your own life.
Engineered brainwave training encourages your mind to develop its power of focus — converting the 5-watts of electrical power of your brain into a 5-watt laser capable of burning through your so-called limitations.
In my clinical studies I discovered I could tell a lot just by observing someone’s brainwave patterns. Anxious people, for example, tend to produce too many high Beta waves. People suffering from ADD/ADHD, on the other hand, tend to produce an overabundance of low Alpha and high Theta brainwaves. Both of these conditions can be corrected using regular brainwave training.