Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction
March 26, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Law of Attraction
Quantum physics has clearly established that everything is basically energy in motion. Your automobile, the walls of your office, your desk, the clothing on your body, your computer — it is all vibrating energy.
Thoughts also consist of this very same energy, and are a powerful force in terms of creating reality (how we view and respond to the world inside and outside our own self).
Thought is an interesting phenomenon. By its very nature, it is forever trying to manifest itself into physical expression. You can compare your thoughts to the sparks that rise from a campfire. For although your thoughts contain the essence and potential power of the fire, they exist only briefly, then simply dissipate.
Because a thought lasts only a few seconds — you may think that a single thought has much inherent power. Enter the power of focus and repetition: A thought that is repeated with intense focus becomes concentrated mental power, just as sunlight can create fire when focused through a magnifying glass.
The more often a focused thought is repeated, the more energy and power it generates. This is not theory — it is based on the fact that each thought creates hundreds (or even thousands) of new neural connections in our brain.
The old theory of the power of attraction states that this is how we attract circumstances matching our thought images. There is a science-based way to interpret this same phenomenon. Here’s how it works: Any well-focused thought that is repeated often generates impressions of the desired reality in the subconscious mind.
And since the subconscious mind basically operates 24/7, and constantly scans our internal and external realities, it has been primed to notice anything that reminds it of the focused thought.
If you bought a new red Toyota RAV4, for example, you would suddenly notice every red RAV4 you pass on the highway. They were always there — it’s just that your excitement over your new RAV4 has primed your subconscious mind to note everything related to your new vehicle.
Are thoughts part of quantum reality?
Quantum physics tells us that you and I, as observers, have a direct and very real effect on the nature of reality. This is no exaggeration. Tiny sub-atomic particles (those you can’t see with your eyes) simply behave as unmanifested energy in accordance with what are called waves of probability. BUT the moment someone looks for the position of one of these particles, everything changes. At that moment they will suddenly convert from energy to observable matter.
So how does this apply to our day-to-day human realities? Try this: If focused observation can affect the outside world in such a radically powerful way, imagine what mastering that ability can do in your own life.
Engineered brainwave training encourages your mind to develop its power of focus — converting the 5-watts of electrical power of your brain into a 5-watt laser capable of burning through your so-called limitations.
In my clinical studies I discovered I could tell a lot just by observing someone’s brainwave patterns. Anxious people, for example, tend to produce too many high Beta waves. People suffering from ADD/ADHD, on the other hand, tend to produce an overabundance of low Alpha and high Theta brainwaves. Both of these conditions can be corrected using regular brainwave training.
How to Build Mind Power
March 21, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Build Mind Power
Thinking Builds Connections
Recent research on the physical results of thinking have clearly demonstrated that just challenging your brain by thinking actually increases the number of connections between your brain cells. The more we think, the better our brain function – regardless of age.
The famed researcher Dr. Marion Diamond says the brain can change at any age. In fact, older brains may often have an advantage. She discovered that highly developed neurons respond even better to intellectual enrichment than less developed (younger) ones do. You can build your mind power, regardless of your age!
Walking Builds Brain Power
Walking is especially good for your brain and mind power, because it increases blood circulation, and thus more oxygen and glucose reach your brain. And since walking isn’t strenuous, your muscles use up the extra oxygen and glucose like they do during more intense forms of exercise.
Walking may seem to clear your head and help you to think better because is oxygenates your brain. Also the increased blood flow to the brain enhances your brain’s energy production and waste removal. Several studies now show that in response to exercise, cerebral blood vessels grow, even in middle-aged, in response to exercise.
A Toe Wiggle Brain Exercise
Wiggling your toes immediately activates a set of nerves that stimulate your brain and internal organs? Try this mind power exercise in the morning before you get out of bed: Slowly begin to move your toes any way that feels good to you. Try moving them all and once, and then in smaller groups.
You can also do this exercise after sitting for an extended period of time. You will be surprised at how it helps you become more alert and energized.
A Daily Brain Building Exercise
Here’s a do it now exercise that will immediately develop your mind power by creating new physical neural connections: Switch the hand you’re using to control your computer mouse and begin to use the hand you normally avoid. If you immediately feel uncomfortable and awkward, that’s a good sing that your brain is struggling to learn a new skill.
Try expanding this to other everyday routines such as getting out of bed on the opposite side, holding your brush or toothbrush with the other hand, driving a different route to the store or work, etc.
Brainwave Training
In the final analysis, the fastest way to build your mind power is through the regular use of engineered brainwave training. There’s a reason Dr. Deepak Chopra calls brainwave training the medicine of the future. You can immediately bust your stress, develop amazing mental clarity, and even raise your IQ or overcome ADD and ADHD. Check out the Self Growth Planet!
Quantum Library
March 19, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Quantum Library
Welcome to the Quantum Library!
Watch over the next couple of weeks as we fill out the library with over 100 premium original brain power, mind power and success articles.