Tap Into Your Authentic Power

June 3, 2009 by  
Filed under Prosperity


If you are like 99 percent of the people in the world today you are likely feeling a bit anxious about the worldwide economic crisis.Yes, there is a problem at hand. And yes, many people are already suffering from some very harsh realities, and see more coming like a freight train racing down the tracks straight at them. This cannot be denied.

What Can We Do?
Well obviously as individuals, we cannot reach out and change the world economic situation. But what we CAN do is reach within ourselves and tap into our own inner power our own personal strength, wisdom and resilience.

There is at least one inherent benefit of challenging times we are forced to discover what we are made of what we value what we need, and what we can do without. In short, we are forced to discover who we really are.

Something to Consider
No matter what your age, there’s something you might want to think about: Your ancestors maybe your parents, and most certainly your grandparents and their parents were outrageously tough survivors.

They came through wars that tore the world apart and devastated families, yet they survived. And they came through the Great Depression my Mother remembered having only one dress, yet they survived.

YOU are already tough at your very core – you carry the genes of these survivors. Plus you yourself have already survived one blow after another in your life disappointments, broken heart, rejection on one level or another, perhaps lack of appreciation. As a result, you too have that mental toughness and ability to heal and go forward inside you.

An Immediate Solution
So how can we best handle what’s going on around us? We need to tap into our own individual authentic power. Authentic power arises strictly from within YOU. It is an expression of YOUR personal will. And it ultimately depends on your ability to trust your own instincts and hunches.

This is no time to feel powerless or anxious. You have authentic power wired into your brain’s motivational system. This internal power gives you the ability to face adversity straight on…to blast past fear and take action, and then to adjust that action whenever necessary.

Your authentic power is your source of feeling in command of your own self. And when you come down to it who else is really in command of you?

Authentic power wells up from within, and it seldom appears full-blown early in life. Rather, it is an outcome of our ability to integrate our experiences in such a way that adversity in particular is incorporated into our process of personal growth and expansion.

Authentic power is built through vigorous participation in life through openness to new experiences through strong ties to other people and most of all, through your ability to construct a sense of security and meaning in your life in the face of challenge and adversity.

A Plan of Action
How to create a sense of authentic power? Start right here, in the present moment. Right here and now IS your true power point. Don’t focus on the past – you can’t do anything about it. And the present just is NOT here yet.

Focus on the moment and give thanks for what is OK right now you are obviously warm, dry, fed, and sitting in a save place by your computer. Now stretch forward to create the next moment from that place of safety and strength.

Life really IS lived one minute at a time, and problems are solved one decision and action at a time and THAT is where your authentic power lies. The truth is you really ARE in control.

The above insights are typical of those found in the author’s remarkable personal power ecourse. Come find out for yourself why thousands of people around the world are using her proven techniques to build on their own authentic power in both good times and bad. Click here to GET AN AUTHENTIC POWER BOOST.

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Does Stress Really Kill Brain Cells?

June 3, 2009 by  
Filed under BEST POSTS

neural_networkWonder what’s happening in your brain when you’re stressed?

Here are some facts you need to know:

PROBLEM 1: Loss of Brain Tissue from Stress
Stress kills brain cells. UCSF researchers report that stress causes a serious loss of brain tissue from brain cell death. Washington University School of Medicine researchers report that even mild flare-ups of psychological stress damage memory and brain functions.

A major National Institute of Health’s study shows that even mild stress releases a brain enzyme linked to bipolar manic-depressive disorder. This explains why stress leads to disturbed thinking, impaired judgment, impulsivity, and distractibility.


Over 40 years of research and clinical studies have proven that brainwave training can immediately reduce your stress, repair the damage, and train your brain how to avoid future stress-related damage. It is the ultimate stress management tool.

PROBLEM 2: Physical Brain Shrinkage
Many researchers have found that certain thinking patterns damage thinking and memory, and even result in physical brain shrinkage.

Dr Lupien of Montreal’s McGill University studied brains scans of 92 people over 15 years. The brains of those with low self-esteem had shrunk to 20% smaller than those who felt optimistic and good about themselves. The low self-esteem individuals also performed far worse in memory and learning tests.

Research has proven your brain is capable of full recovery. It is actually plastic, and with the correct stimulation can continue to grow even into advanced age.

Researchers Siegfried and Othmer report that frequent brainwave training yields a 23% increase in IQ plus substantial increases in self-esteem, motivation and energy.

Come discover the Web’s first complete Mental Workout ezone. Click here to => Take a Look .

posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Success

Look and Feel Years Younger

June 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Life Mastery

smilewomanThere’s a proven non-drug, non-surgicl way to look and feel 20 to 30 years younger  10 weeks from today.

Hard to believe? Take a look at my smile.

A British Army colonel visited a remote Tibetan monastery back in the 1930’s and came back looking literally 30 years younger.

YOU can get the same results.  The “Five Rituals” are based on what he learned inside that remote Tibetan monastery, high up in the Himalayas. The amazingly simple techniques he brought out of Tibet were almost forgotten until recently.

But a handful of interesting people DO know about the Five Rituals … and use them daily to keep their dynamic youth,  including folks like actor Martin Sheen,  author John Gray, and Shirley MacLaine.

So…. Would YOU like to discover how to look THIRTY years younger, in just TEN minutes a day? To learn how, Click here

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