Does Stress Really Kill Brain Cells?
June 3, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under BEST POSTS
Wonder what’s happening in your brain when you’re stressed?
Here are some facts you need to know:
PROBLEM 1: Loss of Brain Tissue from Stress
Stress kills brain cells. UCSF researchers report that stress causes a serious loss of brain tissue from brain cell death. Washington University School of Medicine researchers report that even mild flare-ups of psychological stress damage memory and brain functions.
A major National Institute of Health’s study shows that even mild stress releases a brain enzyme linked to bipolar manic-depressive disorder. This explains why stress leads to disturbed thinking, impaired judgment, impulsivity, and distractibility.
Over 40 years of research and clinical studies have proven that brainwave training can immediately reduce your stress, repair the damage, and train your brain how to avoid future stress-related damage. It is the ultimate stress management tool.
PROBLEM 2: Physical Brain Shrinkage
Many researchers have found that certain thinking patterns damage thinking and memory, and even result in physical brain shrinkage.
Dr Lupien of Montreal’s McGill University studied brains scans of 92 people over 15 years. The brains of those with low self-esteem had shrunk to 20% smaller than those who felt optimistic and good about themselves. The low self-esteem individuals also performed far worse in memory and learning tests.
Research has proven your brain is capable of full recovery. It is actually plastic, and with the correct stimulation can continue to grow even into advanced age.
Researchers Siegfried and Othmer report that frequent brainwave training yields a 23% increase in IQ plus substantial increases in self-esteem, motivation and energy.
Come discover the Web’s first complete Mental Workout ezone. Click here to => Take a Look .
posted by Jill Ammon-Wexler
Amazing Success
Goal Imprinting Secrets
June 1, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Law of Attraction
I was just part of a special goal-achievement training by Dr Jill that I found really useful, and she gave me permission to share what I learned.
First of all, just deciding to create a new a habit or personal situation does NOT automatically ensure you will achieve what you desire. The decision is only the first step. Next comes focused action.
The part of the training I want to share with you has to do how to imprint your goal or impress it solidly in your subconscious mind.
This involves taking conscious control of your thoughts to better manifest the changes you want to make. Imprinting occurs when your subconscious mind is impressed with a mental image of your desired end result.
Imprinting involves three action steps:
- First you emotionally affirm your goal.
- Next you picture yourself having achieved the end result.
- Finally, you pump more and more emotion into actually having the feeling you have already achieved your goal. So if you want to lose 20 pounds, you picture how it feels to have that new pair of jeans or dress on, and feel the self-satisfaction and joy that goes along with that.
Here’s a little review of what Dr Jill taught us:
Affirm Your Goal
An affirmation is just a statement written out in first-person present tense as though you have already achieved your goal. Writing this is an action that deliberately programs your subconscious mind.
Visualize the End Result
Mentally picture having accomplished your goal. See yourself actively creating the end result taking the steps that led to it. This is creates a virtual reality in your subconscious mind that will eventually replace your current reality, or belief system.
If you currently feel fat, your new subconscious virtual reality will replace that vision with one of you as lean and on-purpose.
Generate Positive Emotion
Your subconscious mind does NOT respond to words it responds to feelings and emotions. The more emotion you put behind your goal, the faster you’ll get there. See and feel yourself having reached your goal.
In the case of wanting to lose 20 pounds, for example, forget feeling fat. Focus on feeling the joy and excitement of feeling slender and healthy and take the steps to get yourself there. And celebrate along the way.
PS: You can learn more about how to do all this in Dr Jill’s Power of Focus ecourse. Check it out.
How Can I Build Millionaire Mind Power?
April 24, 2009 by Quantum Publisher
Filed under Prosperity
Do you want to become a millionaire – or do you have a dream of at least being more prosperous? A recent Merrill Lynch report revealed 600,000 new millionaires were created in ‘07, for a total of 10.1 million worldwide. That’s 1,648 new millionaires each day, or sixty nine new millionaires every hour.Now … ten million might seem like a large number, but this is actually less than one-fifth of 1 percent of the world’s population. So … how do people actually manage to become a millionaire? Consider the below research-based facts:
1.Fewer than 1% become a millionaire by winning a lottery or lawsuit, or as an elite athlete or entertainer.
2.Interviews have revealed that 80% of the people around the world that become a millionaire have little or no college education. But they have obviously done something special — build millionaire mind power.
3.One interesting report claims that 5,000,000 of those who managed to become a millionaire between 1992 and 2000 just took something they naturally enjoy, and focused four or more hours per week finding a way to get rich for doing it.
Can you imagine? It is being estimated that by the end of this year another 700,000 or more people will become a millionaire — regardless, or maybe because of, our challenging financial times.
That means that TODAY 1,923 people will become a millionaire. And about half of them will do this JUST because they selected a natural passion or interest, and focused four or more hours per week finding a way to get rich for doing it. In short, they have taken action to build millionaire mind power and put it into action.
So … if you’re not one of these new millionaires, let’s consider how you might BECOME one of them. Assuming you are not about to win the lottery or get an inheritance from your Great Aunt Betty, how can you get yourself in gear to actually become a millionaire?
The first thing to face up to is this: If you had the focused mindpower of a millionaire, you would have already become a millionaire. This is not meant to insult you, but just to create a jumping off point for what follows.
The level of mental focus present in those with millionaire mind power permits the millionaire or millionaire to-be to cut through the constant chatter of our human minds and do something very important – make a decision.
This is the starting point. If you truly want to become a millionaire, start by making a decision to COMMIT yourself to actually achieve your dream. Do it today, and you have taken your first step to build millionaire mind power.
Editorial Note: If you would like to learn more about how you can install the mindpower of self-made millionaires into your own brain, we recommend you go check out this great science-based information website.
THE MILLIONAIRE MIND POWER PROGRAM. A supercharged online adventure during which you learn to create the actual brain states of self-achieved people such as self-made millionaires and top athletes in your own brain. An amazing, Proven-effective experience. MORE INFO.